John Doe

John Doe

Senior Front-end Developer

Personal Info


Senior Front-end Developer


Shenzhen2022/06 - Present

Tencent Zodiac - low-code poster generator(https://fakeurl.com)


Web/WeChat app development:

  • Used Vue3 and Typescript as the framework and coding language
  • Used and encapsulated Echarts to implement complex data domestration
  • Used JSONForm to implement functionalities such as automatic form generation, inter-dependency and real-time updates.
  • Supported multiple advanced interactions such as drag, zoom in/out, shortcuts, rollback and redo.
  • Used multiple 3rd party librairs to implement advanced functionalities, including cropper.js for , html2canvas and qrcode.js.

Front-end Developer


Hangzhou2018/01 - 2022/01

Led and developed Ali components, a base React component library (https://github.com/fake)

  • Used React and Typescript as the framework and coding language.
  • Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate with Tailwind CSS.
  • Used jest and React Testing Library for >90% unit test coverage.
  • Used Github Actions to complete CI/CD pipeline and automatically publish the package to internal NPM.


Bachelor of Science

Hunan University

Computer Science2006/09 - 2010/07


Proficient in Javascript(ES6)/ Typescript for front-end development, while mastering the following frameworks

  • Vue3 and related tools such as Vite, Vue-Router, Pinia and Element-Plus for Web development
  • React and related tools such as Redux, React-Router and Mobx for Web development

Proficient in CSS3 and related tools

  • Tailwind.css and Bootstrap 5 as style libraries
  • Sass and postCSS as pre-processor

Proficient in general front-end engineering and build tools

  • Webpack to package web applications and improve front-end performance
  • Rollup to package and publish component libraries

Proficient in Git for version control and code hosting, and familiar with Git flow

Comfortable with agile development methodology (Scrum)

Side Project

Vue3 EasyMDE

Implemented EasyMDE in vue3 by using Typescript for coding and Rollup for packaging.